





公寓街景》在地区上映的剧情类型电影片长:80 分钟。《公寓街景》在1931-09-05(美国)公映后广受好评。以下是电影天堂网《公寓街景》情节简介:On a hot summer afternoon in New York, Emma Jones talked to other neighbors in her residential building about Mrs. Anna Maurant's romantic affair with Steve Sankey, the milkman. When the rude and unfriendly Mr. Frank Morant arrived, they changed the topic. Meanwhile, their teenage daughter Rose Maurant is under sexual pressure from their married boss, Mr. Bert Easter. However, she really likes her kind young Jewish neighbor Sam, who has a deep crush on her. The next morning, Frank Morant told his wife that he was going on a business trip to Stamford. Madame Maurant met gentle Sankey in the apartment, but Frank suddenly went home. He realized that his wife and Sanki were upstairs, so he ran upstairs. We heard gunshots and saw two men struggling as Sanki tried to escape from the window. Morant ran out with a gun. He killed Sanki and fatally injured his wife. Maurant was arrested and taken away by the police. He apologized to his daughter Ross, who now has to take care of himself and his brother without his parents. Ross's boss once again proposed to place her in her own apartment, but she refused. Then she saw Sam and told him that she wanted to leave the city. Sam begged her to let him go with her, but she told her that they had better separate for a few years before considering getting married. Ross walked alone on the street.想要畅览免费高清电影吗?加入www.dytt8s.com的订阅,开启免费在线观影之旅!海量剧情类电影无需下载,免VIP会员即点即播,电影天堂网努力带给您极致的视听享受!无删减电影天堂网体验与众不同的电影合集大全。

